Via our website:
If you cannot access your account, you can reset your password here on our website.
You can update the password on your account via our website by heading to the 'My Account' section. The option to update your password will be found under 'Change Password'. Once the password has been updated, press 'Update password'.
Via our app:
You can update the password on your account via our app by heading to the small card icon, this can be found at the bottom of the app. The option to update your password will be found under 'Personal information'. Once the password has been updated press 'Confirm'.
If resetting your password, please make sure that you follow our current strong password policy to include all of the following:
• One uppercase letter
• One lowercase letter
• One special character from this approved list: @ $ ~ # % & ! * ? ^ -
• One number
• A minimum of 10 characters
• No more than two repeated characters in a row
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